Cllr Shahana Najmi, Conservative Leader on Carmarthenshire County Council has called for funding to be made available to property owners to tackle knotweed.
Previous approaches including Carmarthenshire’s existing plan have failed and a new approach is required.
Cllr Najmi commented:
“The problem of knotweed has been growing for years in Carmarthenshire. Previous attempts to tackle the problem have failed. The Council and the Welsh Government need to grapple the issue enable local residents to take action to clear knotweed.
It is all very well passing motions in County Town Hall complaining about knotweed. However, what is required is urgent action. The problem is getting worse and the authorities should be looking to empower residents and landowners to tackle the problem.
Given the failure of previous action it is time for a community and landowner focused solution to the problem. With residents still suffering the effects of COVID on their health and livelihoods they need support not empty words. Welsh government needs to give residents the funding they need to tackle the problem.”